HUNTERLAB ULTRASCAN XE 중고분광색차계 분광색차계 판매합니다
연락처 : 010-5354-6248
HUNTER LAB [Ultra Scan XE] 중고분광색차계 분광색차계
분광측색계 중고분광측색계
색차계 색도계
The specifications and characteristics of your instrument are given in this section.
For best performance, your instrument should be placed
where there is ample work space withmedium or
subdued illumination and no drafts.
For optimum results, a clean, air-conditioned area isrecommended
with a relative noncondensing humidity
of 20-80% [10-90% for sensor only] andrelatively constant
temperature not exceeding 90°F (32°C) [104°F (40°C) for sensor only].
Forspecification performance, the recommended
temperature range is 70-82°F (21-28°C).
The instrument should be connected to a stable, instrument-grade power line.
If other equipment isconnected to the same power line, a transient
power surge may be produced when the otherequipment is turned on.
If this happens, restandardize the instrument before making measurements.
HunterLab recommends using a line conditioner
with a minimum 600 VA rating and a battery back-up