
수입 째즈 시디 판매합니다

by 김명제 posted Jul 07, 2005


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
수입 째즈 시디 판매합니다.장당 8천원입니다.(4번 1.5만)
택배착불입니다. 010-8694-5292 즐음하십시요.

1. Gonzalo Rubalcaba -- the very best of
2. Jazz for those peaceful moments
3. Jazz for quiet time
4.Duke Ellinton --the birthday sessions(3cd) 1만5천
5. Jazz at the movies band --Sax on broadway
6. Nylons -- Happy together
7. Peggy Lee sings with Benny Goodman
8. YoYo Ma with Stephane Grapppelly
9. Joe Williams/Harry –Together
10. Putte Wickman -- In siluette
11. Quartetto di sassofoni Academia –Round midnight jazz-
12. The platters - the best- (made in japan)
13. Swedish swing Quartet – Live at salsta castle-
